These days, more and more people are starting to take interest in repairing, restoring, and even putting a custom personal touch on their early 911. This being said, there are a few companies out there making patch panels and aftermarket performance panels for just the occasion... unless you're making parts from scratch.
One such company is Restoration Design (no, not the home decor company!), the company making high quality reproduction panels for early Porsches. They have a great online catalog and if all your questions aren't answered on their website, reach out to their customer service and they will be glad to help!
OR! How about some videos!!!? Everyone likes "how to" videos, right? They have been working on a catalog of videos to show you how to properly install patch panels, floors, etc. Have a look at a few of their 911/912 videos inserted below showing some floor and suspension pan restoration, and if you need 914 and/or 356 info, they have that also on their Youtube site. They have more 911 videos and even how to build a cost effective rotisserie for your project.
ENJOY and go save a Porsche on a reasonable budget!