Most people would probably just grab a couple engine stands and modify them, but I always liked the mechanical advantage of the Hoop Style rotisseries, and they are easier to store than some big clunky engine stands, so a Hoop rotisserie I decided to build...
...Hasn't been easy so far, but I'm making progress!
After muscling 4 10-foot sticks of 1-1/2" heavy wall tubing through the tubing roller I have a good start! TON of work though!
Pieces are laid out and ready for final plugging, fitting, and welding. Then on to making the internal tabs for mounting and the roller chassis assemblies.
I want to see the rest of it!
I'm workin on it! The hoops are welded together, pieces are cut out for the roller stands, and drilling holes and welding coming up. I'll post an update as soon as things take a little more shape! VERY soon!
Hey was looking at building one myself, really could use some guide, would love to see more pics of yours.
This thing was a TON of work when it was all done. If you search through the blog, there are some pictures of it semi-complete. I've been using without a brake. I still need to fabricate one. Once I do I'm going to do an entire build post on it from start to finish. Going to be a few months until I can do it, though.
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